Are you dealing with fussy customers who’d love to see their new project with brass tapware or black handles? KD Max allows you to change the colour of hardware quick and easily through the material edit function. 

1. To begin, simply lay out the hardware that you’d like to use in your project. Disregard the colour as this will be changed later.

2. Now navigate to Edit > Material Editor to open the material edit function. This is the tool that is used to edit any surface in KD Max such as door colours, reflection levels and glass surfaces.

3. Now with the material edit popup box open, select the hardware you would like to change the colour of and set the colour mode to RGB . In this example, we will be changing the colour of the handles.

4. Now, to change the colours, use the RGB colour sliders to select your desired colour. A useful site for checking RGB values is In this example, we want the handles to be bronze, so we search for bronze in colorhexa, note the RGB values and input them into the colour changer.

5. After the values have been input into the colour changer, switch to the apply tab and change the mode to the second option.