Adding a breakfast bar and waterfall to your benchtop is easy!

Here we go through the steps necessary to install a breakfast bar and waterfall design to your benchtop in KD Max.


Once you have installed your worktop by hitting the AutoInstall Worktop button, right-click on your benchtop and hit the Edit button.


Next left-click on the edge of the benchtop that you are wanting to extend. This will then turn the edge red. Right-Click your mouse to bring up the menu and select Slide / Move (out+/in-) 


Enter in the amount you would like to extend the edge out. E.g. 200 would move the edge 200mm. Once you have made your selection, hit OK.


Now navigate to Line > Edit > Create Side Countertop using the toolbar at the top of the screen.


Select the edge of your benchtop that you wish to turn into a waterfall, this will highlight the edge in red. Left-click again to confirm.


Now you will need to enter in your specifications. The Width(w) is the distance from the end of your existing benchtop. To make the waterfall side fall straight beside your cabinets, you need to set the Width(w) to equal your benchtop thickness, minus the overhang you have determined in your Global Settings. Simply hit OK to continue.


Ta-da! Congratulations, you have now successfully created a waterfall design for your benchtop. How easy was that?